Friday, May 26, 2017

Three weeks into the journey, by the grace of God!

Every pair of pants fits better. Some things fit that didn't fit before. Most importantly, I can move easier and have less pain. There's still a long road ahead, but there is hope. For the first time in  a long time, there's hope.

What do I mean by a long time? Well, there was a gap of about six years in writing this blog. After a series of family deaths and some huge disappointments, I didn't feel victorious anymore. I didn't feel like I had anything to say. After years of being that busy person who volunteered for everything, I felt rejected and useless, like my contribution was over.

This, of course, was not how God saw things, but the enemy slowly convinced me otherwise. Isn't that always the way?

Did I forget Ephesian's 1:4?
  "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."

God chose me and who am I to question His taste? He loves me with all my warts - and still does even when I'm on injured reserve for an extended period of time.

Our response should be to live for Him and not to shrivel up and die because we can't do the things we used to do. That is, however, what I did. I lost sight of the fact that the form of our servanthood can change.

Thankfully, that little epiphany I wrote about in the last entry has led to hope. Hope of becoming more active again. Hope of not feeling like I'm letting people down. Hope that if I'm never completely back to normal, I still have worth and purpose to God.

God is truly good.


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